2 Ton/ha yield increase
A trial was conducted on maize in the Delmas region in collaboration with Agronomy Info Services. Planting occurred on 31st of October 2018. The cultivar planted was DC 73 – 74. The trial was treated as a semi-irrigation land with water applied only at certain necessary periods throughout the season, thus a plant density of 50 000 plants per hectare were planted and a row spacing of 0,76 m.

World Focus Agri Products useded:
1. Complex Calsus 10 kg/ha
2. COA Fertigation 2,5 l/ha
Two trials were conducted with the use of our micronized lime as well as our carbon- based product (COA Fertigation). The first trial involved applying the lime and the COA Fertigation in the furrow with the planter.

The second trial, the lime and the COA Fertigation were broadcasted with a boom tractor. With regards to the control, a normal conventional program was followed.


Harvesting occurred on the 13th of June 2019. 12 Rows were harvested on each of the trials as well as the control. The maize was transferred to a weighing van and the results recorded.

Soil Samples were taken for both trials, before and after application of the lime and COA Fertigation. The first of the samples were taken a day before planting and application of lime. The second samples were taken two weeks before harvesting.
