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Complex Super B unleashes the green revolution by acting as an organic growth stimulant throughout the entire plant life cycle.
For alleviation of stress caused by environmental conditions resulting in depressed growth.
A non-harmful, non-toxic and naturally occurring metabolite.
Suitable for all crops
Available in 1L & 5L
A unique boron plant nutrient blend, specifically formulated to prevent and correct boron deficiencies in crops that can have adverse effects on growth and yield. Complex Super B as foliar feed where the mineral is chelated using organic acids, amino acids and enzymes.
All centre pivot applications must be increased by 25%
Proudly South African - State of the art technology from our own environment.
Intensive testing nationwide.
Product Info
Complex Super B
a. Suitable for all crops:
Leaf application from early development, event when in flower and before harvest.
No withholding period.
b. Active ingredients:
B (B) 59 g/kg
Organic acids and Amino acids
c. Benefits of organic acids and amino acids:
Stabilizes plant nutrients that have the potential to leach or lock-up in insoluble complexes.
Organic acids improve soil structure.
Humic acid magnifies fertilizer inputs.
Humic and fulvic acid is not a man-made concoction, it is, in fact, the main natural acid found in humus in, soil or compost.
Humic acid is a powerful bio-fertilizer in its own right. It increases root growth and improves photosynthetic response, while increasing flowering and fruit/seed filling.
Humic acid is a source of energy for beneficial soil organisms
Help with foliar nutrient uptake.
A unique boron nutrient blend for foliar application, specifically formulated to prevent and correct boron deficiencies in crops. Chelated with a unique combination of organic acids, amino acids and enzymes.
Apply 1 – 2 l/ha
It can be used on its own and is compatible with most known foliar feeds.